Communication Skills Training Material

Communication Skills Training Material

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Momentum Training Solutions

"Good communication skills are the single most important factor that makes a person 'promotable'", says Harvard Business Review. Momentum Training Solutions offers customized effective communication skills training through our Communication Skills Training Materials. The courseware addresses all the important communication skills in the workplace and provides ways to enhance the skills.

$225 USD: 112

INR 15000 INR: 7,500/-

How to improve your communication skills? As soft skills trainers, we are often asked this question. In our effort to answer this question we have addressed all the key areas in our Communication Skills Training Module.

An increasing number of organizations are making it mandatory that their employees undergo communication skills training as it has been found to directly impact productivity. Our business communication training module helps to reduce the redundant and non-productive time caused by the lack of effective communication. One of the key segments of our Communication Skills Training Material is on Interpersonal communication skills that helps to improve employee relationships and encourage a congenial working environment.

Momentum Training Solutions

$225 USD: 112

INR 15000 INR: 7,500/-

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