Presentation Skills Training

Presentation Skills Training

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Presentation Skills Training
Presentation Skills Training Online

Presentation Skills Training

What is Presentation Skills?

Presentation skills are required in delivering effective and engaging presentations to various types of audiences. These skills cover a number of areas like structure, slide design, tone of voice and body language to be conveyed during a presentation.

What is Presentation Skills Training?

Presentations skills training is highly sought after by corporates as making presentations is a key responsibility of middle and senior management. This program provides the skills that are needed to make impactful, persuasive and powerful presentations.

There are numerous resources on various ways to improve business presentation skills. But what good is a great product if you do not have the ability to present it? Effective presentation skills are critical for business success. Frequently business leaders are called upon to present their message to a wide range of audience – employees, vendors, suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders and sometimes even the public. Carmine Gallo, a presentation skills coach and contributor to Forbes, claims that the skills to conduct effective presentations will boost the value of a business leader by 50%.

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Executive Presentation Skills Training

Executive Presentation Skills Training enables you to make an indelible professional impression the first time and every time. Raw information is logical, but being logical does not capture the attention of the audience for too long. Steve Jobs is a classic example of how to keep the audience riveted to their seats. His ability to narrate technology is considered profound. To know more about the art of storytelling to help you sustain audience's attention, read 'The Zen of Powerful Presentation Skills'. Good business presentations start with raw information, after which opinions are added, colored with imagery, and given personality. The more of the mind you tickle, the more of audience interaction, retention and motivation you reap. That is why this program is a key part of our Leadership Skills Training and Soft Skills Training

Business Presentation Training

The focus of the Corporate Presentation Training is on how to give a presentation. The focus is in the following areas:

Audience Perception:

  • Appearance & Posture
  • Use of eye-contact, hands and gestures
  • Voice volume, pitch and emphasis

Audience Comprehension:

  • Understand the needs of your audience
  • Understand your own communication style
  • Creating impressive openings
  • Getting the audience's attention
  • Flow for persuasive presentations

Audience Interaction:

  • Effective use of visuals and handouts
  • Overcoming objections
  • Persuading with benefits

For a detailed understanding of our program, download our Presentation Skills Workshop Outline:

Presentation Skills Tips

Momentum Training Solutions is committed to enhance the knowledge of people. Hence, we write articles and blogs on important topics that focus on presentation tips within the area of soft skills. This program is also key for people who are looking to enhance their sales skills.

Read our latest articles on presentation skills:

Read our latest blogs on presentation skills:

Presentation Skills Training Outline


Excellent presentation skills give you a platform to demonstrate your communication skills, influencing abilities, leadership qualities and promotion potential. Our objective is to teach you the skills and techniques that will give you both the confidence and competence to enjoy making presentations in all situations.

Benefits for the Participants:

  • How to project credibility in your presentation
  • Recognizing essential do's and don'ts for perfect presentations
  • Keeping audience attention throughout the presentation
  • How to deliver powerful beginnings and endings
  • How to structure your presentation to deliver your key messages
  • How to recognize and maximize your presentation strengths
  • How to deal with pressure and nerves
  • The importance of voice projection to create impact
  • Develop powerful body language
  • How to handle difficult questions from difficult audiences
  • How to design and use visual aids to support your message

Training Topics:

The Presentation Skills training program will cover 3 important elements of conducting effective business presentations.

  • Preparation
  • Design
  • Delivery
  • Preparation
    • Understanding the importance of preparation before presentations
    • Understanding the objective of the presentation
    • Analyzing and understanding the audience
    • Understanding time constraints and scheduling the presentation
  • Design
    • Using an effective title
    • Determining the message
    • Crafting the storyline
    • Building a presentation storyboard
    • Writing the introduction
    • Planning the ending
    • Making the most of your visuals – pictures and graphs
    • Using animation
  • Delivery
    • Platform Skills
        • Voice
        • Body language
        • Connect & Rapport with Audience
        • Enthusiasm
        • Entertaining
    • Facilitation Skills
        • Questioning
        • Listening
        • Drawing People out
        • Leading Discussions
        • Demonstrating a skill
    • Process Skills
        • Creating a positive environment for learning
        • Handling resistance
        • Debriefing
        • Summarizing & Effective wrap up

Training Hours:

The duration of the training program will be 16 hours (2 days).

Assessment Methodology:

A pre- and post-training evaluation will be conducted for this program.

Participants will be asked to come in with a presentation and do a 3-minute presentation. They will be assessed on the parameters that have been decided jointly by Momentum and the client. At the end of the program they will be given a case study and they will be asked to do a 3-minute presentation again. This will be used as the post-training evaluation.

Both presentations will be video-taped.

Momentum will create a report for each participant which shows the movement made, if any. This together with the video clippings of the presentations will be handed over to the client within a week of completion of the program.

The presentation skills training material created by expert trainers is most sought after by corporates.

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