Personality Development

Personality Development Training

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Personality Development Training

Personality Development Training

Personality development training results in ongoing personal development - a key skill in leadership. When attending our Leadership Training special attention is paid to the awareness and shifting of your limiting mindsets - the only way to achieve permanent change.

What is Personality Development?

Personality development is the process of enhancing one’s self to bring about a positive change in their life. In other words, it is the method of developing necessary characteristics that make up the overall personality of an individual.

Momentum Training Solutions leadership training enhances performance by reducing interference (unhealthy mindsets) and increasing potential.

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"Performance = Potential - Interference" - The Inner Game by Tim Gallwey

So, what is a mindset? It is a fixed mental attitude or disposition that predetermines a person's responses to and interpretations of situations.

This reaction to our circumstances is usually acquired at a very young age and can last a lifetime. However, it can also be transformed if a conscious decision is made to embrace a more positive mindset.

Personality Development Course

It is important to understand that we can only perform up to our belief system and never beyond it. In order to perform to our fullest potential, we need to understand our interferences / barriers that prevent us from doing so. Hence any development is impeded if our belief structure is not changed. This makes our personality development courses a critical element in all our basic level leadership programs. Personality development training that ignores the difficult component of shifting mindsets will lack the deep impact that is necessary for change to sustain.

Personality Development Program

The Personality Development Course which is a key part of the Behavioural Training&Soft Skills Training by Momentum Training Solutions focuses on the below mentioned areas:-

  • Provide you with the right mindset required to reach professional success
  • Shift the way you think and react to your environment
  • Get a deeper understanding of your performance level and the barriers to it
  • Help you chalk up an individual development plan to overcome the barriers to your success
  • Help you understand the components that contribute to your success as an Individual

Personality Development Outline


If businesses or individuals want greater success, then the answer resides within the ability to improve motivation, improve the use of energy and to improve talent. Yet, almost every time, the emphasis is on talent or the hard skills with little or no focus on developing one’s own personality.

This is a busy one-day Personality Development training workshop that is designed to help emerging leaders create a more dynamic, loyal and energized personality and replicate it in their workplace.

Benefits for the Participants:

  • By attending this training seminar you'll learn how to:
    • Identify the link between motivation and employee performance
    • Recognize the external factors that can influence performance
    • Discover ways to build and encourage self motivation
    • Learn effective strategies to encourage and sustain positive attitude
    • See things in different perspectives
    • Manage and adapt to change
    • Have a clear vision and overcome obstacles

Training Topics

  • What is Success?
    • Characteristics Essential to Achieving Success
    • Showing Self-Confidence
    • Never Give-Up
  • The Power of Positive Attitude
  • Ways to develop a positive attitude:
    • Employ the ‘Flip Side’ technique.
    • Play your winners
    • Simplify! Simplify
    • Clarify your mission
  • Importance of Commitment
  • Power of Persistence
    • Ways to Motivate Oneself:
    • Focus
    • Hard Work
    • Positive believing
    • Character
    • Give more than what you get
    • Pride of performance
    • Passion
    • Strategy

Who Should Attend?

Supervisors, Managers and Team Leaders

Training Hours:

The duration of the training program will be 8 hours