Interpersonal Skills Training

Interpersonal Skills Training

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Interpersonal Skills Training

Interpersonal Skills Training

What are Interpersonal Skills?

Interpersonal skills of a person are those skills a person deploys when interacting with another. Interpersonal relationship skills are a combination of a variety of traits like, gesture, confidence, posture and body language. In our Interpersonal Skills Training program, we focus on enhancing the interpersonal skills in the workplace. Hence this program plays a vital role in our communication skills training and customer service training programs.

What is Interpersonal Skills Training?

Interpersonal Skills Training gives the skills that are needed to build and foster empowering relationships. Keeping positive interpersonal relations with colleagues ensures that an environment of productivity and success at work is created.

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List of Interpersonal Relationship Skills

  • Active Listening - Pay attention to what is being said to you. Listen to what they have to say on a professional and personal basis. Be attentive. Do not try to think of a response while you are listening to someone. There is a lot of difference between listening and hearing.

  • Empathy - Lack of empathy will make you devoid of the ability to understand people and their problems. Daniel Goleman, the father of Emotional Intelligence said, "Empathy and social skills are social intelligence, the interpersonal part of emotional intelligence. That's why they look alike."

  • Clarity in communication - The two anchor traits for effective interpersonal skills are: Clarity of thought resulting in clairty of communication. Without a clear understanding of what has to be communicated, you will not be able to get it across even if you have excellent communication skills. Asa Don Brown in the book Interpersonal Skills in the Workplace, Finding Solutions that Work, captures the importance of this trait brilliantly, “Intrapersonal communication is the communication of what we are saying unto ourselves.”

  • Reading beyond the response - Some times what is communicated to you may not be exactly what the other person had in mind. To be able to read people and situations in order to decipher what is required, gives one an edge over the competition.

  • Positivity in work - To maintain a positive approach to work creates a magical aura of happiness and wellbeing around you. This is usually contagious and spreads with great Momentum.

How to Develop Interpersonal Skills

The Interpersonal Skills Workshop conducted by Momentum Training Solutions, focusing on developing these skills. The interpersonal skills activities used help to simulate real-time scenarios which result in dramatic improvement of relationships both personal and professional.

Interpersonal Skills Training Outline

Training Topics:

  • The Basics of Interpersonal Communication
    • To educate participants on tips and strategies those are followed by people with a high-level of interpersonal intelligence, for participants to start using in order to create powerful results in business relationships
        • Starting and sustaining conversations that are engaging
        • Handling conversations with the opposite sex
        • Acknowledging differences
        • Giving and receiving compliments
        • Coming across as a positive person
        • Avoiding bad conversational habits
  • Communicating Effectively at the Workplace
    • To enable participants to effectively communicate in business situations they encounter on a regular basis
        • Dealing with difficult people
        • Dealing with negativity at the workplace
        • Sharing knowledge at the workplace
  • Communication the “Big Picture”
    • Understanding key interpersonal elements of the communication process
    • How to ensure individual staff have clarity, commitment to and agree with business objectives
    • Communicating in a way that inspires staff and gets buy-in
    • Ensuring staff see how ‘what they do’ matters to the business
  • Delivering Feedback with Conviction and Confidence
    • Connecting with colleagues: showing you have listened
    • Communicating responses: stating your positions
    •  Using constructive ways to deliver feedback for:
        • - Reinforcement 
        • - Redirection
    • Receiving and handling feedback
  • Displaying Courteousness and Thoughtfulness at the Workplace
    • To enable participants to show courtesy to everybody they work with, thereby improving their business relationships and be perceived as being good people to work with
        • Being thoughtful to colleagues regardless of position
        • Sticking to convictions as diplomatically as possible
        • Apologizing
        • Showing appreciation
        • Extending courtesy to guests, consultants, and new employees
  • Interpersonal Effectiveness in Meetings
    • To equip participants with strategies to conduct themselves in a healthy and positive manner during meetings with their colleagues and their customers
        • Agreeing & Disagreeing in Meetings
        • Presenting an idea
        • Responding to questions
        • Goading participants to act on the Action Items agreed upon in meetings
  • Greetings and Introductions in Business
    • To enable participants create a lasting positive impression when they meet people for the first time in business situations
        • Shaking hands/smile/eyes
        • Self-introductions
        • Handling introductions
        • Exchanging business cards

Training Hours:

The total duration of the training program will be 16 hours spread across 2 days.

Momentum Training Solutions also conducts programs in Leadership Skills Training that has proved to be extremely beneficial to corporate employees.