Motivational Training

Motivational Training

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Motivational Training

Motivational Training

What is motivational training?

Motivational training emphases on self-motivation techniques constructed on a set of norms followed the world’s best. This allows employees to push themselves and reach goals they have set for themselves.

Momentum Training Solutions conducts Motivational Training as part of its portfolio of soft skills training for Corporate Training and Leadership Training Program. Our training on motivation includes methodologies to hone the motivational skills of managers, and motivational techniques that instill enthusiasm amongst all levels of participants.

What is Motivation?

Motivation is created by elements that are both internal or external which light one's desire and energy to be loyal to a professional role and constantly be focused & driven in attaining their goals.

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Motivation Training:

Training on Motivation improves each employee's ability to push themselves harder which in turn increases personal and professional performance. In other words, this training program aids employees to create successful professional relationships; therefore, contributing to the growth success of a company.

Motivational Training is key for consistent organizational growth and performance that is focused for managers and leaders. It is vital for business executives to understand when an individual or a team needs to be inspired and motivated. When they are better coaches and trainers to their respective teams, there will be more positivity in the general work atmosphere and that in turn helps the organization immensely.

Though the impact of high motivation is well known, it has been found that a vast portion of the capabilities of employees in an organization is severely underutilized. If businesses or individuals want greater success, then the answer resides within the ability to improve motivation, improve the use of energy and to improve talent. Yet, almost every time, the emphasis is on the technical or the hard skills with little or no focus on training on motivation or the soft skills.

Life's challenges sometimes throw many hurdles in one's way, and it becomes difficult to stay motivated throughout the day. This is where the Motivation Training conducted by Momentum Training Solutions can help.

It is no secret - employees who feel they are valued and recognized for the work they do are more motivated, responsible and productive. Moreover, the real sustenance of motivation lies in the "Art of self-motivation".

Motivational Skills

The benefits of employee motivation training are as follows:

  • Improves efficiency
  • Better adaptability to change
  • Improves workforce stability
  • Improves loyalty towards organization

Among the many motivation training courses that Momentum Training Solution offers, achievement motivation training is a unique program that focuses on the enhancing performance & productivity. Through the motivation training conducted by Momentum Training Solutions, we aim to help emerging leaders create a more dynamic, loyal and energized personality and replicate it in their workplace.

Motivation Techniques

Focus Areas of the Motivational Training workshop:

  • Showing Self-Confidence
  • Never Give-Up
  • What is Success?
  • Characteristics Essential to Achieving Success
  • The Power of Positive Attitude
  • Expectations and Self-Efficacy
  • Importance of Commitment
  • Power of Persistence
  • Ways to Motivate Oneself - Create your own 'Motivational Quotes'
  • Personal Goal Setting

All our motivation training programs have motivational videos of common people who have handled adversity remarkably well. This inspires employees to go the extra mile to deliver which in turn improves their productivity. In fact, in today's dynamic market place, the quality of Training on Motivation goes a long way in determining the success of organization in the long run.

Motivation Training Program Outline


If businesses or individuals want greater success, then the answer resides within the ability to improve motivation, improve the use of energy and to improve talent. Yet, almost every time, the emphasis is on talent or the hard skills with little or no focus on motivation or the soft skills.

It’s no secret - employees who feel they are valued and recognized for the work they do are more motivated, responsible and productive. Moreover, the real sustenance of motivation lies in the “Art of self-motivation”. This is a busy one-day motivation training workshop to help emerging leaders create a more dynamic, loyal and energized personality and replicate it in their workplace.

Benefits for the Participants:

  • By attending this training seminar you'll learn how to:
    • Identify the link between motivation and employee performance
    • Recognize the external factors that can influence performance
    • Discover ways to build and encourage self-motivation
    • Learn effective strategies to encourage and sustain positive attitude
    • Have a clear vision and overcome obstacles

Training Topics:

  • Part 1 - Understanding Self
    • Uniqueness of our self – Social Styles
    • SWOT Analysis
    • Johari Window
  • Part 2 – Enhancing Self-Esteem And Self-Confidence
    • Locus Of Control
    • Perception and its role in Self Efficacy
    • Self-Image, Self-Belief, Self Confidence
  • Part 3 - Ways to Motivate Oneself
    • Focus
    • Hard Work
    • Character
    • Give more than what you get
    • Pride of performance
  • Part 4 – The impact of Motivation - Success
    • Characteristics Essential to Achieving Success
    • The Power of Positive Attitude
    • Importance of Commitment
    • Power of Persistence

Who Should Attend?

Supervisors, Managers and Team Leaders.

Training Hours:

The duration of the training program will be 8 hours.