Assertiveness Training

Assertiveness Training

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Assertiveness Training

Assertiveness Training

What is assertiveness training?

Assertiveness training focuses on to assisting employees to empower themselves. It’s part of behavioural training that shows how to maintain the right balance between aggressiveness and submissiveness.

Assertiveness Skills Training

Assertiveness Skills Training is one of the key aspects of our Communication Skills Training This greatly enhances interpersonal skills; hence it plays a vital role in our Behavioural Training.

Can there be communication without assertiveness? The definition of Assertiveness is one’s capability to defend them self by not being too impolite or aggressive at the same time. When a person uses assertive behavior, they confront difficulties, disagreements, or personal worries head-on, and their intent is always seen by others. Assertiveness is the conduct that ensure one gets the attention and reverence that they deserve from other people.

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Our assertiveness training program has always proved to substantially grow skills in the areas of communication, influence, and Conflict Management Training. Real-life issues and hurdles that employees face at work is always the focus. As the outcome of this program is highly beneficial to the participants who attend this session, we at Momentum Training Solutions has made this a crucial part of the program on Personality Development Training. On conclusion of this session, employees will show an increase in their effectiveness on doing important tasks, and on the other hand, building positive professional relationships and avoiding hostile or passive behavior patterns.

Assertive Skills

Below listed are the areas of emphasis in our Assertive Training:

  • Understanding Assertiveness
  • Understanding how it benefits workplace communication
  • Acquiring the skills of Assertive Communication
  • Using Transactional analysis to communicate assertively
  • Dealing with Aggressive and Submissive behavior
  • The art of saying 'No'
  • The skill of persuasion - a primary skill for successful negotiation

Assertiveness Training Program

This assertiveness skills course is designed to help people recognise the patterns of thought and behaviour they have acquired which leave them feeling disempowered, put upon, resentful and taken advantage of.

It will help you learn to say No effectively.

The program is about exploring and recognising these behavioural patterns. We look to increase the choice of response available when under pressure and thus enable people to make the small changes which matter. We also take time to look at all of the things which are already working for the individual.

We look at real life situations where these small changes can be put in place to create a big impact and establish new patterns which are more helpful to the individual.

Benefits for Participants:
  • Understand why you feel disempowered
  • Change yourself to change others
  • The smallest change for the biggest impact
  • There is no right way
  • Setting clear boundaries
  • Move things forward
  • Use what already works
  • Knowing you have something else to try
  • Experiential working with real situations
Training Topics:
  • What is Assertiveness?
  • Assertiveness and Assumptions
  • Assertiveness and Status
  • Conflict and Assertiveness
  • Assertiveness - Setting Clear Boundaries
  • The Art of Saying 'No' and other Assertiveness tools
  • Skills of Assertive Communication:
    • Persuasion
    • Negotiation
    • In-depth perception
    • Using others to persuade
    • Empathy
    • Managing emotions
    • Types of negotiation
    • Stages of negotiation
    • Skills of negotiation
    • Dealing with ‘Aggressive’ and ‘Submissive’ behavior

Momentum Training SolutionsTraining Methodology:

  • PowerPoint Presentation
  • Role Plays
  • Games and Group Activities

Momentum Training Solutions also conducts training programs in Soft Skills Training that has proved to be extremely beneficial to corporate employees.