Cross Cultural Training

Cross Cultural Training

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Cross Cultural Training

Cross Cultural Training

What is Cross Cultural Training?

Cross cultural training provides significant details about a culture that will enable them to seamlessly adjust or adapt to a new country. This program is also known as intercultural training.

In today's globalized business world, our Cross Cultural Training, BPO Training, Diversity and Inclusiveness training and Cultural Sensitivity Training programs have been helping organizations in raising cultural awareness and tolerance of the intricate differences in culture.

Cross Cultural Communication in Business

Business across borders is more the norm today than the exception, and has created an increased need for Cross Cultural Training. Organizations have realized that in order to succeed, they have to be equipped with the knowledge of how cultural differences of consumers affect the mode of operation and business. Cultural sensitivity is of vital importance, as application of such knowledge can greatly contribute to the success of an organization due to diversity in the workplace. Diversity Training promotes an inclusive and diverse workplace culture by educating employees on diversity and inclusion best practices and providing the necessary tools to navigate differences and create an environment where everyone feels valued and respected.

Cross Cultural Communication

The Cross Cultural Training and Intercultural Training program conducted by Momentum Training Solutions focus on the following areas:

  • Business culture
  • Intercultural communication etiquette
  • History
  • Political system
  • Cuisine
  • Transportation
  • Sport and entertainment
  • Cross cultural communication protocols
  • Phrases and mannerisms typical to the culture

So, whether your employees deal with international clients over telephone, teleconferences, or face-to-face - you can be rest assured that, after attending our Cross Cultural Sensitivity Training, they will be able to create a lasting impression in the minds of the clients - both internal and external.

Great emphasis is laid on cultural diversity in our Business Writing Skills Training and Email Etiquette Training programs as awareness of various styles that the audiences use is critical to enhancing comprehensibility.

Cultural Training

The importance of cross cultural training is talked about a lot online and there are 2 examples as mentioned by Forbes in the article 6 Tips for Successful Leadership and New York Times post on Going Global. Hence, for any business to grow it is imperative that their employees are sensitised about various cultures.

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Cross Cultural Training Program

"We have ignored cultural literacy in thinking about education. We ignore the air we breathe until it is thin or foul. Cultural literacy is the oxygen of social intercourse.” - E.D. Hirsch Jr.


  • To aid participants in developing their skills in dealing with global customers by helping them understand:
  • The context of the business culture
  • Expectations of prospective customer from various cultures
  • Protocols to be followed when working with people at various management levels across global cultures

Training Topics:

  • Framing Your Thoughts:
    • Inductive vs Deductive Thinking
    • Thinking in bullets
  • Expressing Your Points:
    • Intonation
    • Speed of Speech
    • Expression
    • Tone of Speech
    • Expressing thoughts as signposts
  • Ensuring You Understand and Are Understood:
    • Asking questions
    • Pausing/Silence
    • Asking for confirmation of understanding
    • Avoiding multi-themes
    • Content vs Structure Words – Using only content words
  • Effectively Communicating with Global Cultures:
    • Understanding cultural aspects that affect business protocols
    • Structuring one’s communication based on the culture of the audience
    • Presenting information based on the culture of the target audience
    • The importance of relationship building and ways to build relationships
    • Best practices in E-mail protocols to be followed with global cultures
    • Norms to be followed during meetings and conference calls when dealing with prospects/customers from global cultures
  • Negotiation and Conflict Resolution:
    • The importance of relationship building in various cultures and its impact on negotiation
    • Understanding negotiation styles across cultures
    • Focal points of negotiation for Western and Eastern cultures
    • Building rapport when dealing with prospects/customers
    • Dealing with conflict based on the culture of the person you are dealing with
    • The art of saying ‘no’ based on the cultural context of the situation
  • Working with prospects/customers from various levels of management:
    • Dealing with first level managers, middle level managers and senior management
    • Varying one’s communication style when communicating with various levels of management
    • Understanding the importance of hierarchy in Asian and European cultures
    • Asserting oneself with different levels of stakeholders/customers
    • Do’s and don’ts in interpersonal communication with various management levels across global cultures

Training Hours:

The duration of the training will be 16 hours

Momentum Training Solutions also conducts training programs in Soft Skills Training & Communication Skills Training that has proved to be extremely beneficial to corporate employees.