Personal Effectiveness Training

Personal Effectiveness Training

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Personal Effectiveness Training

Personal Effectiveness Training

What is Personal Effectiveness?

Personal Effectiveness is the optimal usage of time and resources at your disposal in order to perform to the best of your ability in your workplace. Once this is done, you will be able to achieve your goals.

Meeting the daily challenge of managing professional and personal responsibilities requires a strategy designed to meet individual needs. The pressure to find innovative ways to achieve goals, pay attention to the competition, respond quickly to both internal and external customer needs, and enjoy life outside work is even more intense in today's fast-paced, ever-changing, competitive environment.

What is Personal Effectiveness Training?

Personal effectiveness training is a program that focuses on putting an employee on the road to success: achieving goals and ensuring there is continuous growth. It highlights concepts of positive psychology and how it can be used in the work-life to attain the results that we want.

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Personal Effectiveness Program

Time never seems to be enough for most people. However, the fact of the matter is that each of us have the same amount of time, but what differentiates productivity is how we use that time.

One of the key barriers of personal effectiveness is stress. The truth is that we can never eradicate stress but we can manage it in such in a way that it does not affect our efficiency.

Hence our Personal Effectiveness Training program has three areas of focus: Time, Stress and Self. You will learn to put together an action-plan for real change based on effective time and stress management that is consistent with your own unique behavioural style.

Training Topics:

Personal Effectiveness Skills

Managing Self

  • Understanding Self
  • SWOT Analysis of Oneself

Managing Time

  • Setting SMART Goals
  • Planning and Organizing your time
  • Dealing with Procrastination
  • Delegation

Managing Stress

  • The Power of Perception
  • Reaction to Stress
  • Managing Stress
  • Ways to develop a positive attitude

Training Methodology:

  • PowerPoint Presentation
  • Role Plays
  • Games and Group Activities
  • Case Studies

participant workbook

Personal Effectiveness Training Outline


Meeting the daily challenge of managing professional and personal responsibilities requires a strategy designed to meet individual needs. The pressure to find innovative ways to achieve goals, pay attention to the competition, respond quickly to both internal and external customer needs, and enjoy life outside work is even more intense in today's fast-paced, ever-changing, competitive environment.

We just never seem to have enough time. The reality is we all have the same amount of time but it is how we use our time that makes the difference.

Three of the major inhibitors of personal effectiveness are:

  • Lack of understanding of oneself
  • Poor management of time
  • Ineffective stress management techniques

Hence our Personal Effectiveness Training Program has a three-pronged focus:

  • Awareness of Self
  • Getting Work Done Effectively
  • Collaboration

You will learn to develop an action plan for real change based on effective use of time and management of stress, which is congruent with your own unique behavioral style.

Training Topics:

  • Understanding Focus
    • Clearing Mind Chatter
    • Understanding What we Want
    • What is Focus
    • How can we be focused on what we want to achieve
  • Goals & Values and Behaviors
    • What are Values
    • What are Our Goals
    • How Values and Goals Affect Our Behavior
  • Self-Awareness
    • Understanding Self
    • SWOT Analysis of Oneself
    • Goal Setting
  • Managing Time
    • Planning and Organizing your time
        • To Do Lists
        • Prioritization
        • Delegation
  • Art of Getting Things Done
    • Communication for Personal Effectiveness
    • Delegation
    • Creativity & Problem Solving
    • Adapting to Change
  • Collaboration as a means of Personal & Professional Success
    • Building Effective Teams Through Collaboration
    • Resolving Conflicts
  • Managing Stress
    • The power of perception
    • Stress and diet
    • Stress and exercise
    • Balancing the various aspects of one’s life including work, relationships, family, health etc.
    • Ways to develop a positive attitude
        • Employ the ‘Flip Side’ technique.
        • Play your winners
        • Simplify! Simplify
        • Clarify your mission
  • The Way Ahead – Personal Action Plan

Training Hours:

The duration of the training program will be 16 hours

Momentum Training Solutions also conducts programs such as Leadership Training, Communication Skills Training & Motivational Training apart from many others.