Communication Skills Training

Communication Skills Training

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Communication Skills Training
Communication Skills Training Online

Communication Skills Training

Communication skills training focuses on several techniques that enhances productivity. Transfer of ideas and information are important for teams to attain their organizational goals. When there is compromise in communication, there is an immediate effect on the bottom line. Therefore, this business communication skills training is a program that all companies emphasise on for employee evolution.

What is Communication Skills?

Communication skills is undoubtedly the most significant skill that can substantially increase the growth of an organization. From Leadership Training to Frontline Training, this skill plays a dominant role.

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The below listed articles focuses on the importance of communication skills development:

In the article, 'What Are the Benefits of Effective Communication in the Workplace?', the author Fraser Sherman, stated the following benefits, all of which are critical in this fast and ever changing work environment:

  • Helps to build cohesive teams
  • Brings clarity to situations
  • Increases the ability to solve problems collectively
  • Handle catastrophic situations productively

Momentum Training Solutions offers customized Communication Training Programs that produce the following results:

  • Improved efficiency of business communication skills
  • Enhanced internal and external customer service performance
  • Empowered business relationships through enhanced verbal and written communication skills
  • Increased workplace productivity and employee retention

How to Develop Communication Skills?

Our communication training programs are very effective in developing communication skills because of the following reasons:

  • Customization:

    Our communication programs identify and offer skill development that is unique and specific to each organization. Based on the findings, we train employees to use interpersonal skills to leverage subtle distinctions that make the difference between an ordinary employee and an exceptionally effective professional. These distinctions include:

    • Knowing how to work effectively in a global economy
    • Understanding client's needs and outlook
    • Working to build trust and commitment
    • Using a strategic and collaborative process

  • Role-plays:

    • Multiple role play scenarios will be simulated based on the challenges that the participants face on a regular basis.
    • Feedback from the facilitator as well as peers will be used as learning tools
    • Participants will be assisted in creating individual improvement action plans to continue enhancing their skills



How To Improve Communication Skills:

Below are some methods listed in the article, '10 Ways to Improve Your Communication Skills':

  • Focus beyond the words you hear: Listening to the tone of voice and observing the body language of the communicator gives the listener a greater understanding of the other party’s perspectives.
  • Adjust your language based on your audience: Effective communicators target their message based on who they are speaking to, as a message created for the receiver is well understood.
  • Body language has significant impact on communication: This includes not only face-to-face meetings but also video conferencing and telephone conversations. Make sure that you appear accessible by using open body language. This means that you should not cross your arms or keep your fists closed. Have good eye contact with the other person which indicates that you are paying attention.
  • Check and cross check your message before you send it: Spell and grammar checkers are useful but they are not fool-proof. Hence, double check what you have written and ensure that your words are communicating the intended message.
  • Be crisp and clear: Make sure that you are only talking or writing of one topic or theme at a time. Also, ensure that you do not overwhelm the listener or reader with too much information and focus on the action points.
  • Take down notes of every meeting: Relying on memory alone could affect the authenticity of the message. It is also important to send a follow-up email to make sure that your understanding and that of the listener matches.
  • Choose the phone over email when the situation demands: When a discussion is needed, a telephonic conversation is important. On the other hand, when a message needs to be communicated, an email is more apt.
  • Think before you speak. Do not say the first thoughts that come to your mind. Pause and reconfigure the message, if needed.
  • Treat everyone equally: A condescending tone successfully breaks down relationships immediately.
  • Maintain a positive attitude: Smiling during face to face and telephone conversations exudes a positivity to which people respond favourably.

Watson Wyatt Worldwide, a human capital global consulting firm, did a 5-year study on the impact of good communication on the performance of an organization. The results showed that companies whose employees had effective communication techniques gave shareholders 47% greater return. This study demonstrates the importance of investing in Business Communication Skills Training for their employees.

Communication Training Module:

Below is a detailed outline of the topics that are included in our Communication Training Module. Conversations with the stakeholders of each organization will enable us to customise the topics based on the objectives and the level of the audience.

Communicate with Impact

"Communication works for those who work at it". - John Powell

In business, productivity is directly related to the effectiveness of communication that happens in the workplace. This training focuses in organizational and personal development, encompassing communications, management, personality, relationships and behavior. It helps to enrich your dealings with people and your understanding of yourself.

The training focuses on three core areas of communication:

  • Improving your understanding of your transactions with people
  • Providing you alternate ways of conducting your transactions with people
  • Understanding yourself and others and communicating accordingly

After this training, one will be able to:

  • Understand Communication Dynamics
  • Understand and Improve Body Language
  • Develop Effective Listening and Responding Skills
  • Understand Active vs. Passive vs. Reflective Listening
  • Improve the effectiveness of your communication
  • Understand how to structure information that is communicated
  • Keep communication concise and to the point

Training Topics:

The Basics of Interpersonal Communication

  • To educate participants on tips and strategies that will enable them to create powerful results in Business Relationships.
    • Structuring communication:
        • Having a clear objective
        • Highlighting critical points
        • Being clear and concise
        • Understanding the audience
        • Rapport building
    • Developing effective probing skills
        • Asking the right questions
        • Paraphrasing
        • Summarizing
    • Listening
        • Active Listening
        • Reflective Listening
        • Passive Listening
    • Dealing with difficult conversations
    • Giving and receiving feedback

  • Powerful Body Language
    • Non-verbal
        • Smiling
        • Posture
        • Handshake
        • Eye Contact

  • Spoken Communication
    • Elements of Spoken Communication:
        • Inflection
        • Pausing
        • Reducing rate of speech
        • Volume and tone
        • Pitch
        • Clarity and enunciation

  • The Art of Assertiveness:
    • Agreeing before you disagree
    • The art of saying ‘No’ politely
    • Overcoming submissive behavior
    • Avoiding Aggressive Behavior

  •  Tell vs Ask Styles:
    • Asking questions that help understand the stakeholder’s objectives
    • Breaking down one’s questions to enhance understanding
    • Summarizing understanding to ensure information has been understood correctly

  • Effectively Communicating with Various Stakeholders
    • Understanding the stakeholder’s perspective
    • Positioning information based on the stakeholder’s perspective
    • Using inductive and deductive communication

  • Role Play Simulations for Confidence Building:
    • Multiple role play scenarios will be simulated based on the challenges that the participants face on a regular basis
    • As many participants as possible will be involved
    • Feedback from the facilitator as well as peers will be used as learning tools
Training Hours:

The duration of the training program will be 16 hours (2 days).

Our communication skills training material is sought after by both corporates and trainers alike, as it is developed by our expert facilitators.

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