English Language Training

English Language Training

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English Language Training

English Language Training

What is English Language Training?

English Language training focuses on helping participants learn and practice appropriate use of the English language in business settings. Each participant is assessed on their current skill levels and is assisted in creating an individual action plan for improvement.

Our English Language Training Program focuses on equipping employees with the fundamentals of English required for good verbal communication. Learning English Language can help in better communication skills amongst peer group and clients.

English Language Program

This program conducted by Momentum Training Solutions focuses on improving the trainees' fundamentals of English which is the foundation for effective business communication. Business Communication consists of both written as well as spoken forms. Hence, in our English Language Course we pay equal emphasis to speaking as well as writing skills.

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With the emergence of the global market-place, the English language has found its place as the global medium of business communication. Most of us would like to believe that fluency in English is the capability to read, write, speak and understand English. But in Business Communication, there are a lot of rules that need to be remembered at all times. This helps in the smooth flow of written and oral communication.

Our Executive Coaching program includes Change Management Training techniques where there is coaching and mentoring for leaders to enhance their spoken and written English communication skills.

English Language Course

Our English Language Course stands out, as it focuses on the business aspect of knowledge in the following areas:

  • Subject and Verb agreement
  • Pronouns
  • Adjectives and Adverbs
  • Prepositions & Articles
  • Active and Passive Voice
  • Tenses

English Language Training Outline

Training Topics:


  • Subject-Verb agreement
  • Pronouns
  • Adjectives and Adverbs
  • Prepositions & Articles
  • Active and Passive Voice
  • Tenses

Business Writing

  • Creating powerful presentations:
  • Getting to the point
    • Being concise
    • Paragraphing
    • Use of lists
    • Framing effective questions
  • Tone
    • Choosing the right tone
    • Conversational tone
  • Punctuation, grammar and spelling
  • Organizing your thoughts
  • Structuring paragraphs and sentences
  • Writing to keep the reader engaged
  • Softening a negative message

Elements of Spoken Communication:

  • Inflection
  • Pausing
  • Reducing rate of speech
  • Volume and tone
  • Pitch
  • Clarity and enunciation

Practice Exercises:

  • Reading exercises to practice pronunciation, inflection and enunciation
  • Spoken communication exercises (extempore and presentations) to practice elements of rate of speech, pausing, inflection and tone of voice
  • Written exercises to practice sentence construction
  • Individual and group activities that enable participants to practice their learning
  • Assignments that help enhance learning beyond the classroom sessions


  • Pre-training assessment conducted on spoken and written communication at the start of the training program
  • Individual feedback given to the participants on a regular basis during the sessions based on activities and assessments
  • Post-training assessment conducted on the final day of the training program with participants being given feedback and action plans
  • The results of the assessment and feedback will be made available to your organization

Training Hours:

  • Our recommendation is for 40 hours of training:
    • This can be spread over ten sessions of four hours each (if there are two batches of training – one in the forenoon session and one in the afternoon session) twice a week for five weeks; or
    • Five sessions of eight hours each once a week for five weeks