Email Etiquette Training

Email Etiquette Training

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Email Etiquette Training

Email Etiquette Training

What is Email Etiquette Training?

E-mail etiquette training focuses on helping participants understand the best global practices of writing e-mails while avoiding errors that can create a negative impression on the reader.

The Email Etiquette Training and Communication Skills Training conducted by Momentum Training Solutions teaches the established rules for effective business writing and business email etiquette.

With communication being largely via email, it is imperative that each company establishes specific business email writing protocols. The general rules of how to write a business email are well established; so, adherence to it can greatly enhance the effectiveness of communication without too much effort. Hence, Email Etiquette Training plays an important part in our Managerial Training programs.

Corporate Email Etiquette

Many companies send email replies late or not at all, or send replies that do not actually answer the questions asked. If your employees have the skills for writing business emails that are professional, it will contribute greatly to giving you the competitive edge. Moreover, by educating employees as to what can and cannot be said in an email, you can protect your company from irate customers and awkward liability issues.

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Professional Email Etiquette

Effective business email writing has been proven to have a direct impact on productivity. A Pitney Bowes study concluded that the average office worker on a daily basis sends and receives: 36 email messages; 52 phone messages; 36 pieces of old-fashioned regular mail; 14 faxes; and eight pager messages. Many of these forms of communication were not even available a few years ago. Technology is progressing so fast that it takes all we can do to keep up with the latest gadgets.

By requiring employees to use appropriate, businesslike language in all electronic communications, employers can limit their liability risks and improve the overall effectiveness of the organization's e-mail and Internet copy in the process.
- Excerpt from 'Writing Effective E-mail', by Nancy Flynn and Tom Flynn.

Below are listed some of the important components of the Email Writing Program conducted by Momentum Training Solutions:

Business Email Etiquette

  • General etiquette
  • Sending effective messages
  • Form and tone of the messages
  • Responding to messages
  • Organizing messages
  • Replying to and forwarding messages

Business Writing Skills Training

  • Powerful techniques to write effectively to the targeted audience
  • Structuring one’s writing
  • Writing clearly and succinctly
  • Addressing the audience needs

Email Etiquette Skills Program


The objective of this program will be for the participants to understand that,

“My effectiveness and productivity will be dramatically enhanced if I improve my communication skills.”

This program will give the participants two core learnings:

  • Powerful techniques to write effectively to the targeted audience
    • Appropriate Grammar
    • Writing clearly and succinctly
    • Addressing the audience needs
  • Global business email etiquette

Training Topics:

Business Writing

  • Rules of Effective Writing:
    • Understanding your reader’s needs:
        • Writing to answer the reader’s question, “What is in it for me?”
        • Writing to keep the reader engaged
        • Understanding the objective
        • Organizing your thoughts
        • Getting to the point:
            • Inductive vs. Deductive approach
            • The ABC of writing
            • Paragraphing
            • Use of lists
    • E-Mail Etiquette
      • General etiquette:





Subject Line

Screen Appearance





  • Sending effective messages
  • Structuring paragraphs and sentences
  • Punctuation, grammar and spelling
  • Tone of the messages
  • Softening a negative message
  • Responding to messages
  • Handling ‘Flame’ mails

Training Hours:

Our recommendation is for 8 hours of training.

Momentum Training Solutions also conducts training programs in Soft Skills Training that has proved to be extremely beneficial to corporate employees.